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Creating Space and Time

It all begins here.

Miles Planning House was created to provide the support, information and tools needed to make smart, cost effective business decisions when assessing your Traffic Management requirements.

M.P.H. brings Training, Experience, Knowledge, Wisdom and Understanding together to provide your business the best opportunity to reach the pinnacle of success.

From Planning to Pack-Down, Miles Planning House can assist you every step of the way.

We give you space and time, so you can take yours and get the job done right.

Fill out the form below to get started.


Extraordinary Insights

Building a Bridge


Designed for your work and your crew.

Tired of losing valuable time resetting the Traffic Control to fit all your equipment?

Your business, crew and task are not generic. Owning custom plans, delivers your company the freedom to use any qualified Traffic management personnel provider, with confidence in a proven plan in the style and detail level your crew requires.

Offering Onsite Consultancy, Miles Planning House can design and deliver TGS',  TMP' and VMP' that take into account all site support vehicles and deliveries, giving you the space you need to get in and get the job done safely.

It’s time to transform your business, and Miles Planning House is here to give you the tools you need in order to succeed.


Committed to Quality and Safety.

In the modern world, safety and compliance are, and should be paramount.

With qualified, experienced and impartial Auditing, Miles Planning House can help your project get, stay and prove Traffic Management compliance.

Company Specific Audits? No Problem,

M.P.H. Can Audit using your company specific as well as government mandated audit material.

Ready to get started? Book this service today to discover what positive change really feels like.

Architects at Work
Construction Site Managers


Superior Assistance.

Need Traffic Management but not sure exactly what you need?

Let Miles Planning House do the heavy lifting.

Our highly experienced designer can meet you at your site or office to ensure that you get everything you need from your Traffic Management provider without incurring any unnecessary cost or time impacts.  

Miles Planning House wants to help you overcome your struggles in order to help you create the successful business you’ve always dreamt of.

Book this service to start benefiting today.


Dedicated to You.

Miles Planning House is dedicated to Road Worker and Road User Safety alike.

M.P.H. can offer a complete package tailored to suit your business needs.

Miles Planning House also offers 24/7 assistance* with amendments and emergency works.

From your Idea to Reality, Miles Planning House can guide you through all your Traffic Management Needs.

( * conditions apply )

Business Meeting
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With more than 25 years experience in Management, Supervisory and Leadership roles (across multiple disciplines).  And more than 12 years experience in the Traffic Management industry, both on road and supervisory

( including major projects in multiple states ).

Our Director and Chief Designer Dennis Miles started the firm with the sole purpose of providing a level of service that delivers the Vigilance, Safety, Accuracy, Efficiency and Effectiveness demanded whenever disruption to Road Networks occur.

Previously, this level of service has only been available when engaging a "specialist" service. With the number of Road Users, Pedestrians, Cyclists and sub optimal traffic control professionals on the rise, Miles Planning House aims to put control of what goes on the ground back in your hands.

"We create space and time so the crews can work and we all go home safe" - Dennis Miles

City traffic
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How can Miles Planning House help you today?:

Thank you an M.P.H. consultant will contact you soon.


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